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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Global Epizootic Situation on Highly Dangerous Animal Diseases as of the 1-31st of March, 2016


07.06.2016 10:24

Pursuant to the OIE data for the 1st-31st of March, 2016, 381 outbreaks of animal diseases were reported worldwide.

ASF outbreaks were reported in Russia in March, 2016:

the Oksky Federal Sanctuary, the Spassky Raion, the Ryazan Oblast. A dead wild boar was detected in Quarter 153 of the Forest Department of the sanctuary, close to the Settlement of Brykin Bor. One animal was affected and died. In Baksansky hunting area, the Baksansky Raion, the Kabardino-Balkar Republic. Genetic material of ASF virus was detected in pathological samples from the shot wild boar. One animal got infected and was destroyed in the outbreak. In Okskoyo Settlement, Lukhovitsy Raion, the Moscow Oblast. Seven dead wild boars were detected close to Okskoyo Settlement. Laboratory tests confirmed that the wild boars were infected with ASF virus.

ASF outbreaks were reported in Latvia (94), Lithuania (12), Poland (3), Ukraine (2) and in Estonia (94). Burundi authorities also reported on the disease outbreaks (2).

FMD outbreaks were reported in China (1) and in South Korea (16).

Veterinary services of France reported on 33 outbreaks of bluetongue, two outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza, and an outbreak of bovine spongiform encephalopathy was detected in the country. Outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza were reported in China (2), Mexico (4), Nigeria (70), in Taiwan (3) and in South Korea (1).

Peste des petits ruminants was reported in animals in Georgia (1). Sheep and goat pox was detected in Mongolia (11). Newcastle disease was reported by the veterinary services of Bulgaria (2) and Israel (9).

The following diseases were reported in previously disease-free countries:

Venezuelan equine encephalitis – Peru (1); Equine infectious anemia – Greece (1);

In addition to the abovementioned diseases, the following diseases that are not considered as highly dangerous were reported last month in the world:

rabbit haemorrhagic disease – Benin (1); monkeypox – Cameroon (1); anthrax – Kyrgyzstan (1); low pathogenic avian influenza – Taiwan (5), Republic of South Africa (5).

Experts of the Information Analysis Centre within the FGBI ARRIAH continue to monitor the global epizootic situation on highly dangerous animal and avian diseases.

FGBI Press Office

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