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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Global Highly Dangerous Animal Disease Situation in Period from August 1 till September 1, 2017


18.10.2017 15:12

In the period from August 1 till September 1, 2017 62 countries notified the OIE about 1,007 animal disease outbreaks.

Over the past period 62 African swine fever outbreaks were registered in Russia: in Krasnodar Krai (2), in Vladimir (10), Volgograd (5), Ivanovo (1), Moscow (1), Nizhniy Novgorod (2), Novgorod (1), Pskov (1), Saratov (19), Rostov (1) and Omsk (19) Oblasts. Lumpy skin disease was registered in Saratov (6), Volgograd (1), Orenburg (3), Samara (3) Oblasts and the Republic of Bashkortostan (1).

In the territory of formerly disease-free countries the following diseases were registered:

African swine fever in Romania (2); highly pathogenic avian influenza in the Philippines (3); West Nile fever in Greece (9).

Globally foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks were detected in Zimbabwe (11), Columbia (3), Mongolia (4), Namibia (1), Nepal (1) and the Republic of South Africa (4). African swine fever was registered in Latvia (603), Poland (67), Ukraine (11), in the Czech Republic (32), and also in the Continent of Africa in Zambia (2) and the Republic of South Africa (1).

Veterinary Services of 10 countries notified about highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks: Great Britain (1), Vietnam (1), Germany (1), Italy (16), China (2), Laos (5), Myanmar (1), Taiwan (6), Switzerland (3), the Republic of South Africa (27). Newcastle disease was registered in Portugal (1) and Sweden (1).

Sheep pox and goat pox were newly registered in Israel (5) and Mongolia (10). Blue tongue outbreaks are still registered in France (53). In the territory of Greece (1) and Namibia (19) lumpy skin disease outbreaks were reported. Feline and canine rabies was registered in Malaysia (10).

Beside the above mentioned diseases

caprine arthritis/encephalitis in Romania (1) equine influenza in Israel (1) equine infectious anaemia in Germany (9) anthrax in Italy (1), Mozambique (1)

were registered in the world over the past period.

The specialists of the Information Analysis Center under the FGBI “ARRIAH continue monitoring animal disease situation in the world. More details can be found on the Rosselkhoznadzor website in Epidemic Situation Section, IAC messages htpp://www.fsvps.ru/fsvps/iac/messages/.

FGBI ARRIAH Press Office

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