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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Global Situation on Highly Dangerous Animal Diseases during the Period from July 12 to July 18, 2014


22.07.2014 13:45

According to the World Animal Health Organization 106 outbreaks of highly dangerous animal diseases were reported in the world during the period from July 12 to July 18, 2014.

African swine fever outbreaks were reported in Russia (3 outbreaks), Latvia (8 outbreaks) and Poland (4 outbreaks).

Lumpy skin disease virus extends the area of its circulation to the north moving from North-East Africa and Egypt to Iran (1 outbreak). During summer period the virus vectors adapt to warming-up climate of northern latitudes. In July 2014, Veterinary Service of Azerbaijan for the first time reported the disease in its territory. Detection of lumpy skin disease in Azerbaijan brings the disease closer to Russian borders thus arising great concern of the Veterinary Service.

87 outbreaks of serotype 4 bluetongue were reported in Greece. One outbreak of the same bluetongue virus serotype was reported in Bulgaria.

Experts of the Information and Analysis Centre of the FGBI “ARRIAH” continue monitoring of the global situation on highly dangerous animal disease.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press Office

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