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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

HI test kit for the detection of antibodies to avian influenza A (H9) virus was developed by the FGBI "ARRIAH" specialists.


27.12.2019 11:56

In 2019, the Reference laboratory for viral avian diseases of the FGBI "ARRIAH" subordinated to the Rosselkhoznadzor took part in research and development activities under the Federal target program "National Chemical and biological safety system of the Russian Federation (2015-2020)". As part of this program, a HI test kit was developed to detect antibodies to the avian influenza A (H9) virus.

The relevance of this development is confirmed by the results of the long-term National avian influenza surveillance program. Active spread of low-pathogenic AI A (H9N2) virus has been demonstrated recently, especially in the Far East regions of the Russian Federation. The rapid evolution of the virus due to genomic reassortment and its zoonotic potential require constant monitoring of its spread in wild and domestic bird populations, as well as monitoring of the effectiveness of vaccination performed in some regions of the Russian Federation in order to reduce economic risks.

Virus isolate distribution in Russia was studied in order to develop the kit. Circulation of avian influenza A (H9) virus of all the three genetic lines was established: Y280, G1 and Y439.

According to the results of molecular biological studies, virus isolate A (H9N2) recovered in the territory of the Russian Federation in 2018 was selected as an antigen to be used in HI test for further kit development. The selected strain was extensively studied and deposited in the collection of microorganism strains at the FGBI "ARRIAH".

During the work a new technology of obtaining antigenic raw materials with the maximum content and purity of a specific component was developed. Kit components were standardized and their high stability at storage was demonstrated. Necessary regulatory and technical documentation was prepared for the industrial production of the kit.

Good results were obtained in all major validation tests allowing to recommend the kit for use in extensive monitoring activities to study virus spread in farm birds and wild fauna, as well as to monitor post-vaccination immunity level in vaccinated poultry.

The press service of the FGBI "ARRIAH»

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