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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

IV International Conference “Achievements of Young Scientists to Veterinary Practice” Held in FGBI “ARRIAH”


17.03.2017 11:33

On December 6, 2016 the IVth International Conference “Achievements of Young Scientists to Veterinary Practice” was held in the Rosselkhoznadzor subordinate FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health”. The conference was devoted to the 55th anniversary of the Post-Graduate School of the FGBI “ARRIAH”.

78 scientists participated in the conference. Among them were young scientists from the research institutions and higher educational establishments of the Russian Federation.

The participants were welcomed by D. Lozovoy, FGBI “ARRIAH” Director; M. Gulyukin, Doctor of Science (Veterinary Medicine), Professor, RAS Member, Honored RF Scientist, Director of Y.R Kovalenko All-Russia Institute for Experimental Veterinary Medicine; A. Rakhmanov, Doctor of Science (Veterinary Medicine), Honored RF Scientist, Honored Professor of the FGBI “ARRIAH”, and A. Varentsova, Candidate of Science, Chair of the Young Scientists’ Council.

According to the program 24 reports and presentations were delivered during the plenary meeting and research workshops on the following topics: biotechnology (virus and cell cultivation, vaccine production), epidemiology (monitoring of infectious diseases of farmed, wild and domestic animals, vaccine prevention, immunology), diagnosis and molecular biology of viruses and safety of food products and feed.

Invited reports were made by the leading veterinary researchers:

V. Makarov, Doctor of Science (Biology), Professor, Honored RF Scientist, Professor of the Veterinary Department of the FGBU “RUDN”;

O. Pruntova, Doctor of Science (Biology), Professor, Chief IAC Expert (FGBI “ARRIAH”);

N. Mudrak, Doctor of Science (Biology), Chief Researcher of the Reference Laboratory for Avian Diseases (FGBI “ARRIAH”);

Conference Proceedings (47 research papers on 296 pages) was published. All research papers participated in the contest. Following the results of the contest the 1st grade diploma was awarded to V. Danilova (Virulence of the IB virus isolates); the 2nd grade diploma was given to M. Shevchenko (Impact of serum concentration in growth medium on BHK-21/2-17 cell and FMDV reproduction), the 3rd grade diploma was given to P. Yaroslavtseva (Comparing immune response of broiler chickens to experimental infection with Subtype A and B avian metapneumovirus infection), A. Solovyev (Assessing the option of using carbon isotope composition of amino acids for identification of meat product geographical origin), R. Krivonos (Issues of lumpy skin disease outbreak prevention and eradication).

In 2017, these papers will be published in the Veterinary Today journal that is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications.

K. Belova, post-graduate student of FGBU VP Ulyanovskaya P.A. Stolypin GSHA, was awarded for public speaking. Presentation made by O. Anisina, Candidate of Science (Biology), of FSBSI “VNIITIBP” was recognized as the best one.

Honorary Certificates were awarded to academic tutors of the participants of the conference.

The conference participants highly appreciated the efforts of FGBI “ARRIAH” Director and the organizing committee aided to successful organization of the Conference, sharing of experience and discussion of up-to-date research and developments in the animal health area.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press-Office

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