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Letter of Appreciation in Follow-up of International Research-to-Practice Conference for Poultry Farm Veterinarians of Russian Federation and CIS countries Held Under Auspices of FGBI “ARRIAH”


13.04.2020 16:45

On 13-14 February 2020, the International Research-to-Practice Conference for poultry farm veterinarians of the Russian Federation and CIS countries “Topical Issues of Avian Infectious Disease Diagnosis and Prevention in Poultry Industry” was held under the auspices of the Rosselkhoznadzor subordinate FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health

The conference became a hallmark and major event in view of the global threat of the spread of highly dangerous and economically relevant poultry diseases within and outside the Russian Federation. While welcoming the outstanding contribution in the arrangement and hosting of the research-to practice conference, Eran Raizman, Senior Animal Health and Production Officer, FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (Budapest, Hungary), forwarded a letter of appreciation to the FGBI “ARRIAH” and expressed his gratitude for the given opportunity to deliver a presentation on global avian influenza situation and to discuss topical issues with the participants of the event.

Eran Raizman commended the long-term and successful cooperation between the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and FGBI “ARRIAH” and expressed hope for further fruitful collaboration in the field of highly dangerous animal and poultry disease prevention and control.

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