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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

FGBI "ARRIAH" Participated in Contest "Leader of Industry of the Russian Federation"


24.11.2017 14:11

On October 18, 2017 the All-Russian Interregional Industrial Forum II was held in Moscow. It is an annual event aimed at solving the tasks of regional industrial policy development, as well as interaction of state development institutions and establishments in the real sector of the economy.

Within the framework of the forum the results of the contest "Leader of Industry in the Russian Federation" were summed up. Deputy Director Mikhail Shtyryov was present at the solemn ceremony of awarding on behalf of the Federal Centre for Animal Health, subordinated to the Rosselkhoznadzor.

The FGBI "ARRIAH" became a laureate of the 1st degree for successful activity in the sphere of Russian industry in the nomination "Production of medicinal products: development of veterinary biological products and diagnostic systems" and was awarded a memorable mark and honorary diploma.

The "Industry Leader of the Russian Federation" is held among industrial and scientific establishments and organizations with the aim of supporting industrial production and establishments with export potential, import substitution potential, the strategy of innovation development, the creation of new unique technologies, as well as the subjects of entrepreneurial activity that have achieved the greatest success in industrial production in the goal year.

The evaluation criteria for selection of the competition’s winners were not only the companies’objective performance indicators - sales volumes and profitability, but also subjective ones – the level of entrepreneurial activity (participation in profile conferences, exhibitions), availability of quality certificates, industry awards, positive feedback from consumers, recommendation and appreciation letters of bodies of executive power, branch unions and associations; social responsibility of companies.

The status of the competition winner for the FGBI "ARRIAH" is an expert recommendation, a sign of quality, prestige and public recognition. The recognition of the professional community will help to strengthen the positive image and will allow the Centre to reach a new level of relations with partners, investors and customers

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