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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Participation of FGBI “ARRIAH” in Strategic Session “Export of high tech industrial products: new markets, successful business cases and typical barriers” in the framework of the VI Vladimir Economic Forum


06.07.2018 12:49

On June 1, 2018 the VI Interregional Vladimir Economic Forum opened its doors. It was aimed at strengthening export potential of the RF Subjects and partnership development.

The RF Presidential Administration, RF government, heads of the RF Subjects, heads of the Development Institutes, social business organizations, business, scientific and expert communities, Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, trade representatives and foreign delegations participated in the forum.

The Program of the Forum included a plenary meeting, round tables, and Vladimir Oblast industrial exhibition. During the first day of the Forum Dmitry Lozovoy, Director of the FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health”, and Alla Stakhanova, Head of the Veterinary Drug Promotion Unit, participated in the meeting of the strategic session organized by the Oblast Administration together with JSC “Export of high tech industrial products: new markets, successful business cases and typical barriers”. During the meeting the participants discussed the prospects of development of high tech industrial sectors having a considerable export potential and considered major barriers and restrictions that face companies when accessing foreign markets as well as measures to support promotion of Russian high tech products to foreign markets.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press-Office

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