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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Participation in Workshop for Strengthening International Cooperation on Lumpy Skin Disease Control and Prevention in South-East Europe and Middle East


12.09.2016 10:58

On May 10-12, 2016, A.Sprygin, experts of the Rosslekhozandzor subordinate FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” participated in the Workshop for Strengthening International Cooperation on Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) Control and Prevention in South-East Europe and Middle East held in Brussels (Belgium).

The workshop was aimed at the analysis of current information of lumpy skin disease occurrence in the region, awareness rising on epidemic situation and synergy development at the regional level for the purpose of LSD surveillance prevention and control intensification in cattle. Over 50 experts from 12 countries participated in the event (RF, Israel, South European countries and Balkan Peninsula).

During the workshop oral presentations were made by Pip Beard, Poxivirus Infection Study Manager (Edinburgh, Great Britain) described basic trends in the infection epidemiology and spread; Eeva Tuppurainen (Pirbright, Great Britain) made a presentation on state-of-art developments in the investigations of the LSDV properties, its transmission and spread as well as on priority research areas; Kris De Clercq (CODA-CERVA, Belgium) reported on the specific features of the experiments involving naturally susceptible animals and aimed at the assessment of the pathogenic properties of the isolates and vaccine strains. Basic attention was given to the vector route of the virus transmission and examination of this route will be of the highest priority.

During the meeting the following agreements on LSD examination were made: participation of the FGBI “ARRIAH” in the International Consortium on LSD Control implemented under HORIZON 2020 program; examination of molecular and biological properties of currently circulating LSDV isolates, and development of the approach for differentiation between the vaccine and field strains.

“FGBI ARRIAH” Press Office

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