Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor)
+7 (800) 600-52-36 +7 (495) 700-01-37

Приемная директора г. Москва

+7 (4922) 26-06-14

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+7 (905) 708-32-67

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+7 (4922) 26-15-51

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+7 (4922) 26-15-25

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+7 (4922) 52-99-29

Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Performance Results of Laboratory for Chemical Analysis of FGBI ARRIAH Testing Centre from February 12 to February 17, 2016


22.03.2016 11:55

During the period from February 12 to February 17, 2016, seventy-five samples of food products of plant and animal origin were delivered for testing to the Laboratory for Chemical Analysis in the Testing Centre of the Rosselkhoznadzor subordinate FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health”.

205 tests were performed for detection and identification of aminoglycosides, penicillins, coccidiostats, toxic elements, mycotoxins and chemical elements. Blood chemistry was also performed. Quality and correlation of fatty acid methyl esters mass fractions (or their sums) as well as physical and chemical parameters were tested in milk fat.

Total of 93 non-compliances with the RF Regulations were detected. Thus exceeded level of mycotoxins was detected in one sample of hey and one sample of combined feed.

Tests of dairy products demonstrated 89 non-compliances with the RF Regulations as for fatty-acid profile of the milk fat.

Two samples of veterinary drugs demonstrated exceeded pH level.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press Office

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