Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor)
Performance Results of Laboratory for Microbiology of FGBI ARRIAH Testing Centre


22.03.2016 13:36

134 samples of food products of plant and animal origin were delivered for testing to the Testing Centre of the Rosselkhoznadzor subordinate FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” during the period from January 11 to February 11, 2016

242 microbiological tests were performed in the laboratory. Tests for detection of myoctoxins, radionuclides, nitrofurans, sulphanilamides, quinolones, antibiotics, GMO in food products were also performed.

Eight non-compliances with regulatory documents were identified during this period. Thus tests of potable water demonstrated exceeded TBC in two samples and exceeded coliforms in two samples. Nitrofuran metabolites (AOZ) were demonstrated in one honey sample and in one pig liver sample. Tests of feed corn showed two samples containing T-2 toxin.

FGBI ARRIAH Press Office

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