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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Receipt by FGBI “ARRIAH” of Russian Federation patent for invention


01.07.2014 16:31

The FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” under the jurisdiction of the Rosselkhoznadzor received a patent of the Russian Federation No.2515058 for the invention “Associated emulsion inactivated vaccine against viral diarrhea, bovine rotavirus and coronavirus infections”.

The invention relates to the sphere of veterinary virology and biotechnology and deals with the production and use of the vaccine for protection against pneumoenteritis of cattle and newborn calves.

The problem of keeping newborn calves is topical in all countries of the world. In Russia the aforementioned pathological condition is registered in 50-100% of young animals and mortality happens as a rule on day 2-5 or 7-10 and can reach 30-50%.

The specific prophylaxis of these diseases is complicated because of the lack of sufficiently created immune system in susceptible newborn animals. During this period the immunity is provided mainly by antibodies received with maternal colostrums. The use of vaccines for active immunization of newborn calves is unjustified as the disease occurs earlier than the creation of the sufficient immune response after vaccine use. Therefore, the prevention of these diseases by immunization of cows is more reasonable.

A new highly immunogenic safe and areactogenic associated vaccine of FGBI “ARRIAH” origin against bovine infectious diseases, accompanied by disorders in respiratory organs and gastrointestinal tract, is characterized by increased stability, antigenic and immunogenic activity and creates strong and long-lasting immunity in vaccinated vaccines.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press Office

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