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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Representatives of the Korean Veterinary Associations Visited FGBI ARRIAH


06.05.2019 12:02

On April 23, 2019 representatives of the veterinary associations of the Republic of Korea visited the Rosselkhoznadzor subordinate Federal Centre for Animal Health.

The main topic of the meeting was discussion of scientific and technical cooperation in control of economically significant and highly dangerous animal diseases in the Republic of Korea. The most relevant issue raised was cooperation in the field of FMD spread prevention and control, in particular, through supplies of FMD vaccines produced by the FGBI ARRIAH and scientific support. Besides, during the visit the parties discussed preventive measures against ASF introduction due to complicated ASF situation in the world. Considering the experience of the institution and specialists of the FGBI ARRIAH ASF Reference Laboratory in implementation of preventive measures aimed at control and eradication of the epidemics the representatives of the Republic of Korea studied the experience in ASF control in the Russian Federation.

At the end of the visit the members of the delegation highly assessed the FGBI ARRIAH activities and expressed interest in development of cooperation with the Centre.

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