Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor)
Results of the Activities Carried out by the Reference Laboratory for Bovine Diseases of the FGBI “ARRIAH” in January 2016


29.02.2016 14:11

In January 2016 a number of serological and molecular-biological tests for the infectious disease agent spread was carried out by the staff members of the Reference Laboratory for Bovine Diseases of the FGBI “ARRIAH” subordinated to the Rosselkhoznadzor.

1665 serum samples obtained from cattle of different age and sex in different RF regions were tested using ELISA.

Antigens to infectious rhinotracheitis were detected in 105 samples out of 556 (18.8%); antigens to viral diarrhea were detected in 73 samples out of 518 (14%); to respiratory syncytial virus in 64 samples out of 69 (92.7%); to bovine clamydiosis in 2 samples out of 3 (66.6%); to bovine mycoplasmosis in 13 samples out of 31 (41.9%); to bovine pasteurellosis in 10 samples out of 10 (100%); to parainfluenza-3 virus in 97 samples out of 132 (73.4%); to rotavirus in 7 samples out of 80 (8,7%) and to bovine coronavirus in 39 samples out of 80 (48.7%).

Upon the whole 1687 samples of pathological material imported from Hungary, Germany, the Netherlands, the USA were tested for Schmallenberg disease and bluetongue virus using PCR. Genomes of the abovementioned diseases were not detected. In addition to that, bovine viral diarrhea virus genome was detected in 13.3% cases by PCR and bovine clamydiosis genome was detected in 2.3% cases.

Press Office of the FGBI “ARRIAH”

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