Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor)
Results of the FGBI “ARRIAH” activities in the Republic of Crimea, 2018


07.02.2019 14:38

In 2018 the Laboratory and Diagnosis Centre (Decree No 0110/18-006KP as of October 01, 2018) was established in the Rosselkhoznadzor subordinate Federal Centre for Animal Health in the Republic of Crimea. The Laboratory and Diagnosis Centre includes three accredited scientific laboratories: laboratory for diagnosis of animal diseases, laboratory for molecular diagnosis and laboratory for food product safety. Currently the staff consists of 49 specialists, most of them have higher education for Candidates of Science, five PHD students are studying at FGBI “ARRIAH”.

On November 1, 2018, the Federal Accreditation Service (Rosaccreditation) No. PK1-2176 confirmed the approved accreditation scope and additional accreditation scope for 60 microbiological, chemical-toxicological, radiological, physical and chemical tests, ELISA determination of antibiotics and mycotoxins in food products, immunological and molecular genetic studies, the scope of accreditation was also extended by 52 methods (accreditation certificate RA.RU.21 АZh15).

According to the data of December 3, 2018, 14,366 studies wereconducted to diagnose infectious diseases using serological and molecular-biological methods. Of these, 11,476 studies were performed as part of epidemiological monitoring and 2,890 studies were carried out in the framework of income-generating activities. All material came from the Russian Federation, the Republic of Crimea. When performing epidemiological monitoring, positive samples were detected – 4,428 (38.6%), of which 5 samples were ASF positive (an urgent report was made in Form 4-vet B) and 4,423 samples contained post-vaccination antibodies to CSF ​​and Newcastle disease.

In the food laboratory during this year 3,031 tests of 349 samples of food products were carried out in the framework of income-generating activities. During this period, 9 non-compliances with the requirements of regulatory documents were detected (an urgent report was made in form 4-vet B).

In 2018 the FGBI ARRIAH Branch successfully completed 9 rounds of inter-laboratory comparatives (CSMVL, Moscow).

In 2018, the specialists of the Laboratory and Diagnosis Center of the Branch took part in a training webinar conducted by the Informational Network “Techexpert”, OOO “Center for Accreditation “Standard”, OOO “TsMKT Competence”, and Educational Center “Sodeistviye”.

Within the period of 11 months in 2018 specialists of the Laboratory and Diagnosis Center of the Branch performed 18 onsite visits (13 for food safety and 5 for infectious diseases). 13 specialists have passed internal training.

The students of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky (on-site training) have internship in the Laboratory and Diagnosis Center of the Branch which will allow to employ new trained specialists..

Press Office, FGBI "ARRIAH"

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