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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Results of FGBI “ARRIAH” ASF Laboratory Participation in International Proficiency Tests


07.06.2016 11:11

Every year the European Union (EU) Reference Laboratory for African Swine Fever (CISA-INIA, Madrid, Spain) arranges ASF testing interlaboratory comparisons to check competence and qualification of specialists from the EU diagnostic laboratories and other concerned countries.

In 2016 ASF Reference Laboratory under the FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health”, subordinate to the Rosselkhoznadzor (ID 45) took part in these comparisons for the second successive time. For this purpose the FGBI “ARRIAH” was provided with two panels of coded samples (sera (S1-S12) and organ suspensions (T1-T4)) to be tested for ASFV antibodies and genome using current laboratory techniques. It should be noted that for this purpose the EU Reference Laboratory collected samples from animals infected with ASFV of different virulence, genotypes and on different days post infection and from animals with different disease forms: acute and chronic.

In order to detect ASFV genome using real-time polymerase chain reaction the Russian specialists used LSI VetMAx diagnostic kits (ThermoFisher) and RT PCR ASF diagnostic kit developed by the FGBI “ARRIAH” Reference Laboratory within R&D activities. It was planned to test 12 sera samples and 4 samples of pathological material from infected and not infected pigs (Fig.1а and 1 b).

Figure 1a.

Figure 1b.

The results of the tests performed by the FGBI “ARRIAH” specialists showed that ASFV genome (DNA) is present in five samples of sera (S1,S2,S4,S8 and S9) and three samples of pathological material (T1,T2 и Т3).

The following results were obtained when testing sera by ELISA using ID Screen antibody diagnostic kit (IDVet) and experimental diagnostic kit based on a complex antigen developed by the ASF Reference Laboratory (Fig. 2а). The results were confirmed by immunoblotting technique recommended by the OIE. (Fig. 2b):

Figure 2а.

The “ARRIAH” specialists found ASFV specific antibodies in five sera samples (S4,S5, S9,S10 and S11). The results of high specific immunoblotting technique confirmed these findings (Fig. 2b).

Figure 2b.

Thus using a complex of different test methods applied in the FGBI “ARRIAH” ASF Reference Laboratory the Russian specialists successfully passed the proficiency testing with the correct diagnosis for all coded samples (Fig. 3) and confirmed their high qualification and competence.

Figure 3.

The European counterparts highly assessed the personnel qualification, diagnostic kits and test systems used for diagnosis in the FGBI “ARRIAH” Reference Laboratory: “Our expectations were met as there was a correct answer for every coded sample. Based on the given results the EU Reference Laboratory established that diagnostic techniques used by your laboratory are appropriate for field sample diagnosis”.

Positive results of the FGBI “ARRIAH” diagnostic test system use in ASF testing by real time PCR confirmed the potential of this system introduction into laboratory practice of RF veterinary institutions.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press Office

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