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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

On results of FGBI ARRIAH participation in the 20th Russian Agro-Industrial Exhibition Golden Autumn – 2018


21.11.2018 14:03

All-Russian Exhibition Centre VDNKH hosted 20th Russian Agro-Industrial Exhibition Golden Autumn – 2018 to celebrate the Agriculture and Processing Industry Day

The delegation from the FGBI Federal Centre for Animal Health headed by Dmitry Lozovoy took an active part in the business and exhibition program.

The meeting of the board of the Russian Poultry Union was held on October 11. Directors of large industrial establishments and farming companies participated in it. During the meeting the participants discussed a topical issue of avian influenza spread over the RF territory including pathogen introduction to large establishments and consequences of outbreaks. In the framework of the discussion Mikhail Volkov presented a speech on the contemporary epidemic AI situation and its eradication in the Russian Federation.

The specialists of the FGBI ARRIAH Testing Centre participated in the work of the Competition Commission for sensory assessment of meat products. On the basis of the product assessment reports the Commission made a decision on the winners of the contest which were awarded with the golden, silver and bronze medal. The winners were granted the right to use the logo of the award when marking the awarded food products.

The guests paid a great attention on the services rendered by the FGBI ARRIAH, including diagnosis and development of methods aimed at control of highly dangerous diseases of animals and birds, production of highly effective vaccines and scientific support. The guests noted the FGBI ARRIAH veterinary products have a great potential for being promoted on the domestic and external markets. A special attention was given to the FGBI ARRIAH print media, in particular, to the paper “Veterinariya i zhizn”.

Upon the results of the inter-industry contests the FGBI ARRIAH was awarded in different nominations. The FGBI Federal Centre for Animal Health was awarded with golden medals “For development and implementation of the CIS joint measures for rabies prevention and control up to 2025”, “For the cycle of works: Methodical recommendations on real time PCR extraction of the DNA from LSD field isolates; Methodical instructions for detection of capripoxvirus DNA using real time PCR; Methodical Recommendations on H5 and H7 AIV extraction using real time qRT-PCR”, “For development, implementation and production of the live dry virus vaccine against infectious bursal disease “Gamboromix”, for “development, implementation and production of test-systems for real time PCR detection of LSDV field isolates”. It was awarded with the silver medal “For development, implementation and production of the culture inactivated emulsion vaccine “ARRIAH-VAC” against A/Zabaikalsky/2013 FMDV” and with the bronze medal “For development and production of the ELISA test-kit for detection of antibodies against avian influenza”.

FGBI ARRIAH Press Office

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