The Rosselkhoznadzor-subordinated FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (Vladimir) obtained the patent No. 2674076 of the Russian Federation for invention of the “Method for determination of foot-and-mouth disease virus infectivity titre in non-inactivated raw materials used for vaccine production with real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction”.
The invention relates to biotechnology and anti-FMD vaccine production namely to the technique for indirect determination of FMDV infectivity titre in non-inactivated raw materials used for vaccine production with real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and using developed regression model of FMDV infectivity titre dependence on amplification threshold cycle value.
The invention allows rapid and highly reliable indirect assessment of FMDV infectivity titre in non-inactivated raw materials used for vaccine production.
Press-office FGBI “ARRIAH”