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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Russian-Finnish Seminar on Current Hunting Issues


20.01.2017 09:55

From 5 to 6 October, 2016 Russian–Finnish seminar “Current Hunting Issues” was held in the Federal State Financed Educational Institution (FGBOU DPO) “Karelia Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Specialists in the Agricultural Sector” located in the Settlement of Uusi-Vilka.

Head of the Hunting Department in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Hunting of the Republic of Karelia Yegor Runpiyev opened the seminar.

Representatives of hunting departments from several RF regions, representatives of the Centre for Natural Resources in the Ministry of Agriculture of Finland Vesa Ruusila and Yari Varyo and from the Evira Research and Laboratory Department Anti Oksanen took part in the meeting.

The FGBI ARRIAH “Federal Centre for Animal Health” was represented at the seminar by Andrey Sukharkov who reported on “Epizootic situation on rabies in the Russian Federation”.

Topical issues related to game animals were discussed during the seminar and the audience got familiar with the possible ways of solving the issues in Karelia and Finland.

Press Office of FGBI ARRIAH

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