Seminar on African swine fever (ASF) prevention in pig holding was held under the auspices of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (FSVPS) at the FSVPS-subordinated FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” on November 8, 2018. The Seminar was aimed at raising awareness and training of veterinarians in prevention of ASF introduction to the disease-free regions and rapid response measures in case of the disease outbreak.
K.N. Gruzdev, Chief Researcher of the Information Analysis Centre of the FSVPS Department for Veterinary Surveillance, Expert of Standing Expert Group for ASF for Eastern Europe and Baltic countries was a Seminar moderator.
S.K. Starov, FGBI “ARRIAH” Deputy Director for Quality, opened the Seminar and told about main FGBI “ARRIAH” scientific activities as well as pointed to the Seminar importance. Y. I. Kovalev, Doctor of Science (Engineering), Director General of the National Pig Producers Union welcomed the participants and noted that the Seminar being a part of an internationally-recognized common practice is aimed at raising RF Subject Veterinary Service specialists’ awareness of ASF. The FGBI “ARRIAH” experts made presentations on main methods and techniques for ensuring biosafety of the RF pig holdings, results of the FGBI “ARRIAH” Reference Laboratory for ASF activities as well as routes for ASF agent introduction to the RF pig holdings.
The presentations on various ASF aspects were made by the following guest speakers –leading experts in the said field: V. Makarov, Professor, Doctor of Science (Biology), People’s Friendship University of Russia, Moscow; D. Kolbasov, Professor, Doctor of Science (Veterinary Medicine), Director of FGBSI “Federal Research Centre for Virology and Microbiology”, A. Parakhnevich, Doctor of Science (Biology), Director General of ZAO “Vladimirskoe” pig establishment, R. Chentsov, OSFI “Lipetsk Oblast Station for Animal Disease Control”.
The Seminar participants learned from the experience of ASF outbreak eradication at pig holdings and were informed about main measures taken for ASF prevention as well as control of backyard pigs carried out by the RF official veterinary services.
The seminar resulted in round-table discussion of ASF control aspects. All participants were given certificates of attendance.
Press-Office of the FGBI “ARRIAH”