Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor)
Specialists of the FGBI "ARRIAH" Took Part in the Xth General Meeting of the National Pig Producers Union


19.07.2019 10:24

On June 27, 2019 chief researcher of the Information and Analytical Center of the Rosselkhoznadzor subordinate FGBI “Federal Center for Animal Health”, K.N. Gruzdev and the leading researcher A.A. Shevtsov took part as experts in the Xth General Assembly of the National Pig Producers Union of Russia, at the invitation of the Director General of the National Pig Producers Union of Russia Yu.I. Kovaleva.

A Report on the activities of the National Pig Production Union of Russia for 2018 was made and discussed, and forecasts for the forthcoming period were outlined. Deputy Minister of Agriculture D.Kh. Khatuov congratulated the participants of the meeting and conveyed the greetings from the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation D.N. Patrushev. The Assistant to the Head of the Rosselkhoznadzor, A.N. Alekseenko, made an informative presentation. All the speakers emphasized the important role of the National Pig Producers Union in consolidation of the business community of Russian pork producers, the impressive role in modernization of pig production, and introduction of advanced technologies of pork production and processing. In particular, such measures allowed Russia to fulfill the program of import substitution in this sector of animal production. The main challenge for the industry in 2019 was African swine fever, which, due to its wide spread in Europe, China and the countries of Southeast Asia, has become panzootic. ASF has also influenced the pig production in Russia; industrialization and production growth in modern, large enterprises with an effective biosafety system is observed. To date, the further development of the industry is impossible without the development of exports of pig products. Many of the reports presented were devoted to the prospects in this area and to the related issues (economics, marketing, etc.).

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press Office

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