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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

V International Scientific Conference “Young Career Scientists’ Achievements to Be Introduced into Veterinary Practice” held in FGBI “ARRIAH”


27.12.2019 11:30

On December 5-6, 2019 the V-th International Scientific Conference “Young Career Scientists’ Achievements to Be Introduced into Veterinary Practice” was held in the Federal State Financed Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health”.

More than 20 scientists from the Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus and Tajikistan took part in the conference. M.I. Gulyukin, expert of FGBSI VIEV named after Ya.R. Kovalenko, Academician of the Russian Academy of Science, Honored Scientist was in attendance as an honored guest, as well as other representatives of scientific and higher educational institutions.

After presenting and discussion of reports at the conference the attendees noted that the FGBI “ARRIAH” young career scientists are involved into veterinary support of livestock production in the Russian Federation contributing to animal disease control, assurance of biological and food safety and animal product quality.

Significant success was achieved in the development of relationships between FGBI “ARRIAH” young career scientists and leading national research centres in most vital vectors of veterinary science and biological safety and security.

It was noted that currently up-to-date methods of animal disease monitoring, diagnostics, forecasting and specific prevention are actively mastered.

Taking into account the reports made and in order to improve the effectiveness of research, performed by young career scientists, and introduction of scientific results into veterinary practice, it was noted at the conference that the most promising trends in veterinary science development are biotechnological studies, including those using molecular genetic methods; molecular epoizootology and diagnostics, biological safety and improvement of scientific evaluation of feed and animal product quality.

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