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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Veterinary Science Today Journal is Now Indexed by Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) Database


13.04.2020 08:45

Scientific journal Veterinary Science Today was included into the list of journals, indexed by the RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index) database.

To support the SCIENCE National Project and to address the task of improving the level of domestic scientific journals by the Russian Academy of Sciences together with Clarivate Analytics company and National Electronic Library (eLibrary) the Russian Science Citation Index or “Russian shelf” of journals was created based on Web of Science Platform. Today the database contains more than 730 leading Russian journals in all scientific areas, selected by the Editorial Board, consisting of the representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, major state universities and scientific society.

What is the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) based on Web of Science Platform?

This is a database of core Russian journals, selected by expert group of leading Russian scientists based on the formal acceptance criteria, bibliometric analysis of journals in the RSCI and public expertise. Is a multidisciplinary base with a great representativeness of publications in the areas, most topical for the Russian science, which makes it especially important for the researchers, working in those areas and facing difficulties with the choice of international journals to publish their scientific findings. Is the component of the RSCI core (best publications of Russian scientists, indexed by at least one science citation index database out of three), being the alternative for the List of Journals of the Higher Attestation Commission. Ensures global visibility of the findings of Russian scientific studies, as the information about the publications is given in two languages (Russian and English) and accessible to the users of the Web of Science Platform all over the world. Enables to assess the influence of the Russian publications and their citedness among the best Russian journals (citedness within the RSCI), as well as among influential international journals (citedness of the RSCI publications within the Web of Science database) to understand the importance of studies for the global science. Makes it possible to evaluate Russian scientific publications using global analytical metrics and Web of Science indicators. Usage statistics demonstrates stably growing number of accesses to the database by scientific organizations, for which RSCI is individually available.

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