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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Department for biological and technological control

Department for biological and technological control

Basic activities of the Department:
– product quality control;
– participation in the development and experimental studies of new preparations;
– harmonization of normative and technical documents submitted to the All-Russian State Centre for Quality and Standardization of Veterinary Drugs and Feed (FGI VGNKI), pilot batches of different preparations for state testing, submission of documents for registration of veterinary preparations in the Ministry of Agriculture, entry into the State Register for obtaining certificates of product compliance for the FGI “ARRIAH” products;
– the Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology has accredited the FGI “ARRIAH” Department for Biological and Technological Control as a testing laboratory (Centre) that has technical competence to test veterinary preparations according to the accreditation scope (Accreditation Certificate No.ROSS RU.0001.22FV07, valid through 11 December 2011, meets GOST R ISO/MEK 17025-2006 requirements (International Standard ISO/MEK 17025:2005);
– commissioning tests of microorganism strains for their deposition and passportization with the purpose to carry out patent procedures and enter the Collection of Exotic FMDV strains and other animal pathogens approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No 728-77-05 dd. 24 July 1996;
– the Department has a copyright certificate, five industrial patents and it has been awarded a diploma of the International Biotechnology Fund named after academician I.N.Blokhina for the innovation project concerning associated dry cultural virus-vaccine against sheep and goat pox.
Biological preparations developed in the Department:
- Associated dry cultural virus-vaccine against sheep and goat pox;
- Dry cultural virus-vaccine against sheep pox;
- Dry cultural virus-vaccine from marked “BK” strain against Aujeszky’s disease of swine and sheep.
- ELISA kit for sheep pox diagnosis;
- Kit for diagnosis of sheep pox by long-term complement fixation test and diffuse precipitation test;
- Kit for serological diagnosis of bovine ephemeral fever.

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